Insights for Modern Performance Management

Performance + AI: Your Managers are Going to Love You

Written by Duane Edwards | Aug 3, 2023 7:20:14 PM

In an era defined by digital acceleration, companies around the world are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity and streamline operations. However, AI’s potential extends beyond merely automating repetitive tasks and analyzing vast amounts of data. It has the capability to transform the most human-centric functions in an organization, such as performance management, by aiding in setting expectations, crafting career progressions, summarizing performance-related information, and suggesting personal development goals and resources.

Setting Expectations with AI

One of the greatest challenges managers face is establishing clear and realistic expectations. This involves not just delineating job descriptions but also setting performance benchmarks. The problem often lies in the lack of quantifiable data and subjectivity involved.

Enter AI. With its data processing capabilities, AI can analyze large amounts of employee data from different roles, industries, and organizations to draft comprehensive and personalized job expectations and descriptions. By comparing profiles, AI can identify key skills, responsibilities, and tasks associated with a particular role, reducing the risk of ambiguity and discrepancy. This paves the way for more clarity and alignment in job roles, allowing managers to efficiently guide their team members.

Drafting Career Progressions

For managers, planning career progressions can be complex and time-consuming. They have to consider a myriad of factors like an employee's skillset, potential, career aspirations, and market trends.

AI can make this process more manageable and objective. By utilizing predictive analytics, AI can project potential career paths based on an individual's skills, performance, and preferences. Furthermore, it can compare career trajectories of similar profiles and suggest suitable upskilling or cross-skilling opportunities. Managers, therefore, can provide informed advice and guide their employees towards meaningful career progression, enhancing employee satisfaction and retention.

Summarizing Performance-Related Information

Performance reviews are pivotal in any organization, offering a means for managers and employees to assess performance, identify strengths, and areas for improvement. However, preparing for these reviews can be daunting, with managers often sifting through piles of data and information.

AI can assist by gathering and analyzing performance-related data such as project completion rates, goal attainment, peer feedback, and more. It can then draft comprehensive performance reviews, providing a detailed, unbiased overview of an employee's performance. By automating this task, AI liberates managers to focus more on having constructive, forward-looking conversations with their employees during review sessions.

Suggesting Personal Development Goals and Action Plans

Personal development goals are a cornerstone of continuous improvement and professional growth. However, defining these goals and the corresponding action plans can be a challenge.

AI comes into play here by analyzing an individual's performance, skills, interests, and career aspirations. It can suggest tailored personal development goals that align with an individual's career progression and the organization's objectives. Further, AI can draft detailed action plans, identifying the steps needed to achieve these goals, and set measurable milestones. This enables managers to foster a culture of continuous learning and growth within their teams.

Proposing Resources for Individual Growth

Identifying appropriate resources for employee development—such as training courses, mentorship programs, or online learning platforms—can be a time-consuming task for managers.

AI, with its ability to sift through vast amounts of data, can recommend suitable resources tailored to an individual's learning style, career goals, and skill gaps. These could range from specific online courses or workshops to relevant books or industry conferences. By providing these recommendations, AI can assist managers in supporting their team's growth and performance improvement.


Performance management is a vital, yet often challenging aspect of a manager’s role. But with the advent of AI, the future of performance management is changing. By harnessing AI's capabilities in setting expectations, drafting career progressions, summarizing performance data, suggesting development goals, and identifying resources, managers can truly focus on what matters most - nurturing their team's potential and leading them to success.

So, get ready to embrace the AI revolution in performance management. After all, when technology and human ingenuity come together, the possibilities are limitless. Remember, the objective of AI is not to replace the human touch, but to enhance it, allowing managers to be more efficient, effective, and empathetic leaders. Your managers are going to love AI, and so will you!